WinPcap: 不用回调方法捕获数据包

WinPcap: Exported functions Prototype of the callback function that receives the packets. When pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() are called by the user, the packets are passed to the application by means of this callback. user is a user-defined parameter that contains the state of the capture session, it corresponds to the user parameter of pcap_dispatch() and pcap_loop(). pkt_header is the header associated by the capture libpcap packet capture tutorial - Stanford University 2001-3-14 · pcap_loop actually ignores this argument, but pcap_dispatch(..) doesn't! So if we want our main looping mechanism to time-out replace pcap_loop() with pcap_dispatch(). Here is a description of pcap_dispatch(..) shamelessly stripped from the man page ***** pcap_dispatch() is used to collect and process packets. 使用c++调用libpcap库_c++ libpcap编程 - CSDN

2012-2-27 · pcap_loop()函数是基于回调的原理来进行数据捕获,这是一种精妙的方法,并且在某些场合中,它是一种很好的选择。 然而,处理回调有时候并不实用 -- 它会增加程序的复杂度,特别是在拥有多线程的C++程序中。 可以通过直接调用pcap_next_ex() 函数来获得

使用c++调用libpcap库_c++ libpcap编程 - CSDN 2012-4-28 · int pcap_loop(pcap_t * p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char * user) 第一个参数 是第2步返回的pcap_t类型的指针 第二个参数 是需要抓的数据包的个数,一旦抓到了cnt个数据包,pcap_loop立即返回。负数的cnt表示pcap_loop永远循环抓包,直到出现错误。 libpcap核心pcap_loop – 打烊的酒馆 2015-1-1 · pcap_loop(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user) 参数cnt设定了需要抓取的数据包的个数,抓了cnt个之后,pcap_loop就会返回,显然如果cnt为1的时候,跟pcap_next的效果是一样的;但大部分都会设置为-1,这样就会一直持续抓包,跟上面的


pcap_breakloop() sets a flag that will force pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() to return rather than looping; they will return the number of packets that have been processed so far, or -2 if no packets have been processed so far. This routine is safe to use inside a signal handler on UNIX or a console control handler on Windows, as it merely sets a flag that is checked within the loop. WinPcap: 不用回调方法捕获数据包 2012-2-27 · pcap_loop()函数是基于回调的原理来进行数据捕获,这是一种精妙的方法,并且在某些场合中,它是一种很好的选择。 然而,处理回调有时候并不实用 -- 它会增加程序的复杂度,特别是在拥有多线程的C++程序中。 可以通过直接调用pcap_next_ex() 函数来获得 Manpage of PCAP_BREAKLOOP - tcpdump 2020-1-10 · NAME pcap_breakloop - force a pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() call to return SYNOPSIS #include void pcap_breakloop(pcap_t *); DESCRIPTION pcap_breakloop() sets a flag that will force pcap_dispatch(3PCAP) or pcap_loop(3PCAP) to return rather than looping; they will return the number of packets that have been processed so far, or PCAP_ERROR_BREAK if no packets have …